Anchor Legendairy Media Launch Celebrating 133 Years!

by - October 16, 2019

Assalamualaikum semua! 

Last week i dapat invitation untuk pergi ke Anchor Legendairy 133 Celebration Media Launch bertempat di The Pullman Hotel, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. Apa yang i nak cakap, of course lah best! 

Sempena Media Launch ni, i berkesempatan untuk go through their journey. From where, how and when they started. Menariklah! Sebab i selalu nampak Anchor dairy product ni dekat groceries tapi tak tahu pun about their background. Bila i datang event ni, barulah i nampak betapa jauh dah perjalanan product ni rupanya.. 

Anchor dairy product ni from New Zealand. Korang pun tahu kan memang kalau sebut tentang dairy product ni of courselah from New Zealand. Sebab climate dekat sana sangat best and sesuai untuk tumbuhan rumput tumbuh dengan baik and bila that grass elok je, haiwan macam lembu pun akan produce nutritious milk hasil daripada pemakanan yang baik. Disebabkan itulah mostly dairy products from New Zealand ni memang high quality. Kalau perasan lah kan, dekat groceries memang banyak jual produk Anchor ni like cheese, butter, cream and cream cheese products. Paling menarik, Anchor dairy product ni dah ada dekat 80 countries around the world. Malaysia beruntung tau termasuk dalam list country yang jual Anchor dairy product ni. 

Look! Banyak kan company yang join menjayakan campaign ni? Yang paling besar kat situ Secret Recipe~ No wonder most of cake SR semua sedap!

(Photo credit to Anchor's event photographer)

(Photo credit to Anchor's event photographer)

Cuba teka dalam beg ni ada apa?

The most happiest part for me during the event was all these cakes! Tengoklah semua jenis cakes... so tempting! Ini bukan perhiasan ye, selesai je event all media and bloggers dijamu selera dengan cakes yang macam-macam dekorasi ni. Almost semuanya sedap! 

Korang mesti tak pelik kan kenapa semuanya cakes? Yes, sebab ingredients based untuk semua cakes ni menggunakan Anchor dairy products :)

Okay yang ni semua kata sedap! First time makan karipap inti Sambal Petai! 

Lemon Blueberry Cake ni i takut nak try sebab cantik sangat hahah!

Boiled and Baked Nutty Fruitcake 
(Organic Cane Sugar Bakes)

Comel je kan Cheesecake Tart ni! Who doesn't like Pooh?! 

Orange Poppy Seed Cake with Orange Syrup

Not to forget! I sempat berkenalan dengan kawan baru. Kak Atie and Kak Ajwin. Both of them are bloggers! Best sangat jumpa diorang ni, such a humble mommies! 

Okay i excited nak share dengan readers sekalian about the contest sempena 133 Years Celebration ni. You all boleh menang up to Rm50,000 tau! Just follow simple steps ni : 

1. Buy 1 Bestseller product dekat Secret Recipe berdekatan. But make sure visit dulu website Anchor Legendairy untuk check which SR yang ada bestseller product tu.
2. Lepas purchase, snap the receipt.
3. Whatsapp to 010-950 8205.

That's it! Senang je kan! Mana tahu rezeki korang untuk menang? hehe.

Last but not least, congratulation to Fonterra and Anchor Food Professionals for celebrating 133 years of trusted goodness. Wish the company will be continued succeed in Malaysia. 

Thank you for inviting me as well and giving the chance to celebrate together! 

For more details about Anchor Food Professionals : 

Facebook : www.facebook.AnchorFoodProfessionalsMY)
Instagram :

For more information on the contest go to 

#anchorlegendairy #anchorfoodprofessionals #trustedgoodness

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